Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Professors / Researchers
  • Koen De Turck

    • Subject: Information Dissemination in Directed Online Social Networks

    • Date: from 25 Nov 2013 until 27 Nov 2013

    • Institution: Ghent Univ. (Belgium)

  • Jocelyne Elias

    • Subject: Network Covering

    • Date: from 29 Nov 2013 until 28 Dec 2013

    • Institution: Paris Descartes Univ. (France)

  • Dieter Fiems

    • Subject: Information Dissemination in Directed Online Social Networks

    • Date: from 25 Nov 2013 until 27 Nov 2013

    • Institution: Ghent Univ. (Belgium)

  • Vladimir Gaitsgory

    • Subject: Singular Perturbations in Markov Decision Processes

    • Date: from 30 Nov 2013 until 6 Dec 2013

    • Institution: Flinders University (Australia)

  • Jasper Goseling

    • Subject: Random Access with Physical-layer Network Coding

    • Date: from 13 Oct 2013 until 16 Oct 2013

    • Institution: Univ. of Twente (Netherlands)

  • Roberto Lucchetti

    • Subject: Application of Cooperative Games to Networks

    • Date: from 10 Jul 2013 until 12 Jul 2013

    • Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

  • Natalia Markovich

    • Subject: Modeling Clusters of Extreme Values in Random Walk Processes

    • Date: from 1 Jul 2013 until 15 Aug 2013

    • Institution: Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)

  • Fabio Martignon

    • Subject: Network covering

    • Date: from 29 Nov 2013 until 28 Dec 2013

    • Institution: Paris Sud Univ.(France)

  • Vladimir Mazalov

    • Subject: Networking Games and Cloud Computing Market

    • Date: from 17 Sep 2013 until 18 Oct 2013

    • Institution: Petrozavodsk State Univ. (Russia)

  • Leon Petrosian

    • Subject: Game Theoretic Models in Network Formation

    • Date: from 2 Aug 2013 until 9 Aug 2013

    • Institution: St. Petersburg State Univ. (Russia)

  • Bruno Ribeiro

    • Subject: Online Myopic Network Covering

    • Date: from 12 Jun 2013 until 19 Jun 2013

    • Institution: Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)

  • Don Towsley

    • Subject: Randomness and Wireless Security

    • Date: from 15 Apr 2013 until 19 Apr 2013

    • Institution: Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)

  • Kavitha Voleti Veeraruna

    • Subject: Performance Analysis of Social Networks Using Game Theoretical Tools

    • Date: from 28 May 2013 until 7 Jun 2013

    • Institution: IIT Bombay (india)

  • Piotr Wiecek

    • Subject: Evolutionary Game Models

    • Date: from 16 Sep 2013 until 27 Sep 2013

    • Institution: Wrocław Univ. of Technology (Poland)

  • Sulan Wong

    • Subject: European Approach to Net Neutrality

    • Date: from 1 Dec 2013 until 15 Jan 2014

    • Institution: Univ. de A Coruña (Spain)

  • Uri Yechiali

    • Subject: A Retrial System with Two Input Streams and Two Orbit Queues

    • Date: from 21 Apr 2013 until 4 May 2013

    • Institution: Tel Aviv Univ. (Israel)

Ph.D. students
  • Giovanni Accongiagioco

    • Subject: Game theoretic models applied to the Internet Economy

    • Date: from 14 Jan 2013 until 13 Jul 2013

    • Institution: Pisa Univ. (Italy)

  • Liudmila Ostroumova

    • Subject: Epidemic models on directed networks

    • Date: from 26 May 2013 until 9 Jun 2013

    • Institution: Yandex and Moscow State Univ. (Russia)

  • Cristina Rottondi

    • Subject: Privacy in smart grids

    • Date: from 1 Nov 2013 until 30 Nov 2013

    • Institution: Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

  • Rodrigo Vaca Ramirez

    • Subject: Vertical handover framework towards energy efficiency

    • Date: from 23 Nov 2012 until 12 Mar 2013

    • Institution: Univ. of Edinburgh (UK)

  • Xinwei Bai
    • Subject: Optimization of spatial caches

    • Date: from 15 Sep 2013 until 14 Dec 2013

    • Institution: Univ. of Twente (Netherlands)

  • Grégoire Beaudoire
    • Subject: Complexity Analysis of the Network Coverage Problem

    • Date: from 10 Jun 2013 until 26 Jul 2013

    • Institution: ENS Lyon (France)

  • Kumar Chippala
    • Subject: Numerical comparison of various multi-armed bandit algorithms

    • Date: from 2 May 2013 until 23 Jul 2013

    • Institution: IIT Bombay (India)

  • Engin Eljez
    • Subject: Congestion games with cost that decrease in the congestion

    • Date: from 1 Jun 2013 until 29 Jul 2013

    • Institution: Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

  • Simon Forest
    • Subject: Graphes aléatoires : génération, épidémies, applications

    • Date: from 10 Jun 2013 until 2 Aug 2013

    • Institution: ENS Paris (France)

  • Sushma Hanawal
    • Subject: Creation, Simulation and Multidiscipline Evaluation of Dynamic Mobility Models in Complex Systems

    • Date: from 25 Aug 2012 until 25 Mar 2013

    • Institution: SJCE Mysore (India)

  • Denys Korostii
    • Subject: Polls in online social networks

    • Date: from 1 Mar 2013 until 31 Aug 2013

    • Institution: Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (France)

  • Vasily Medyanikov
    • Subject: Graph-theoretic Models for Evolution of Social Networks

    • Date: from 22 Jul 2013 until 11 Aug 2013

    • Institution: St. Petersburg State Univ. (Russia (Russian Federation))

  • Tanmay Vashistha Sharma
    • Subject: Diffusion Processes in Networks

    • Date: from 6 May 2013 until 12 Jul 2013

    • Institution: IIT Bombay (India)

  • Xiuhui Ye
    • Subject: Raise of influential individuals in Online Social Networks

    • Date: from 15 May 2013 until 15 Nov 2013

    • Institution: Politecnico di Torino (Italy)

Visits to International Teams

Maestro members have visited (the)

  • GERAD, Univ. Montreal, Canada in the period 20 October – 10 November 2013 (A. Jean-Marie);

  • Ghent Univ., Belgium in the period 21–22 November 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);

  • Flinders Univ., Australia in the period 20 March – 20 April 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);

  • National Univ. of Rosario, Argentina in the period 4 – 15 March 2013 (A. Jean-Marie);

  • Petrozavodsk State Univ., Russia in the period 26 – 28 June 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);

  • Technical Univ. of Darmstadt, Germany in the period 5–6 October 2013 (G. Neglia);

  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv, Israel in the period 19–28 April 2013 (E. Altman);

  • Univ. of Arizona, USA in the period 31 March – 2 June 2013 (M. K. Hanawal);

  • Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in the period 1 October 2013 – 31 January 2014 (M. El Chamie);

  • Univ. of Liverpool, UK in the period 6 – 14 February 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);

  • Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA in the periods 1 September – 30 October 2013 (N. Choungmo Fofack) 1–10 May 2013 and 25–30 October 2013 (P. Nain);

  • Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands in the period 19 – 20 June 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);

  • Yandex Research and Institute of Control Problems, Russia in the period 21 – 30 October 2013 (K. Avrachenkov);